UPDATE: Congress to Review Cannabis Bill

Earlier today, it was announced that Senator Booker introduced a bill before congress called the Marijuana Justice Act. He said.... "The bill would legalize marijuana at the federal level and withhold federal money for building jails and prisons, along with other funds, from states whose cannabis laws are shown to disproportionately incarcerate minorities." "Under the legislation, federal convictions for marijuana use and possession would be expunged and prisoners serving time for a marijuana offense would be entitled to a sentencing hearing." Watch Senator Booker Speak Live on FB: This would mean Legalization-no scheduling- at the Federal level, nationwide, here in America! Update: Feb 17, 2022 nothing has progressed since that bill was introduced...cannabis is still federally illegal in America...& in various other countries around the world... Still, we are hoping for a more positive outcome for all and doing our part by educating the public, your ...